Ensuring that high-quality,
equity-centered coaching is accessible to social impact leaders.

Our approach

As leaders today are tackling the biggest issues of our time, ensuring that they have access to the tools and support they need is crucial. While the majority of leaders in the corporate sector have access to coaching, as few as 5% of leaders in the nonprofit sector do. Furthermore, a recent Race to Lead study found that nearly 1 in 3 executive leaders of color “often” or “always” felt that they lacked opportunities for advancement, compared with fewer than 1 in 5 white executive leaders.

ACC aims to change this. Our goal is to ensure that leaders have the support they need as they tackle mission-critical work. This not only supports better quality of life and outcomes for each individual leader, but also positively impacts the larger organization. When leaders thrive, organizations thrive. And when organizations thrive, we become the change we seek.

How we work

  • ACC recruits and vets a diverse roster of coaches who possess a strong equity lens, ensuring that leaders have access to coaches of shared identities

  • ACC partners with organizations and foundations to connect their new and experienced leaders to coaching

  • ACC manages and administers the coaching program at a reasonable cost, easing the administrative burden involved in connecting leaders to coaching

  • Leaders select a coach from our vetted roster to ensure that they have a coach who best matches their interests and goals

“Coaching has been the best professional development that I have experienced.”

— ACC Coaching Client